Credit Management Services
(714) 722-4066
Professional Banking Services Since 1976
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ALLL Validation

The Allowance for Loan and Lease Loss (ALLL) models and methodology are the most imprecise section of every bank’s balance sheet.  As
such, the ALLL often gets significant regulatory scrutiny.

ALLL rules and expectations are ever-evolving.  It is imperative that your bank stay abreast with the latest changes in the industry.  We can
help.  Whether you need help with model/methodology changes or an annual independent review, CMS is there for you.

Our experts have helped many banks with ALLL models over the years.  This help ranges from tweaking an existing model to meet current
standards all the way to starting from scratch to build a new model from the ground up.  If you are experiencing regulatory pressure
relating to your ALLL model, help is simply a phone call away.

All banks are required to have an independent review of their ALLL model at least annually.  We can fulfill this requirement for your bank.  
We review your model for conformance to regulatory guidelines, board-approved policies, and overall adequacy.  We also offer back-
testing services to confirm that your methodology is historically reasonable.

As ALLL regulations expand, trust our experts to keep your bank on a path to excellence.  Call us today to design a plan that will meet your
specific needs.